Meet The Team: Brian Clark Jr.

Meet The Team: Brian Clark Jr.

Name: Brian Clark Jr.
Years at MCS: 4 Months
Position: Fabrication & Plasma Operator

There are certain people who are meant to make a difference in this world. Oftentimes, not by doing anything extraordinary. The people who make the biggest difference in others’ lives are the people who show up every day with a good attitude, willingness to listen, passion to learn, and have a big heart. At MCS, we are fortunate to have a number of teammates who embody those qualities and make a positive impact on all of us.

In this installment of our “Meet the Team” series, we want to introduce you to Brian Clark Jr. Brian is a family man who personifies hard work, positivity, and teamwork. He is an Alum Bank native and never misses a chance to brag about his 3-minute commute.

“Being able to go home for lunch and spend time with my wife and kids is something that I love most about working here,” says Clark. “Any chance that I get to see my family is special.”

Speaking of family, that is the most important thing in Brian’s life. If you have the chance to stop and talk with him, he will likely bring up his family and how much they mean to him.

“There is nothing like the sound of my kids when I get home. I will never get tired of my kids screaming “Daddy is home!” when I get off work. That’s like music to my ears and puts a smile on my face.”

Outside of work, Brian loves everything about agriculture and animals. He is a self-proclaimed “Ag Nerd” and although he doesn’t have a farm; growing up, he watched closely as his dad worked on a farm.

“There is something about the simplicity of farming that intrigues me. Don’t get me wrong, agriculture is a complex science. However, raising animals and supplying your family with food straight from the ground is a simple, ancestral way of living that I enjoy. I could talk about agriculture all day if you let me.”

His children are following in their dad’s footsteps and are eager to get as many farm animals they can. Right now, he has sheep and a few chickens. Brian works hard every day so he can one day purchase enough land to add plenty more farm animals for his children to help raise. In the meantime, he will continue to do the things that bring him joy like volunteering as a firefighter, taking his kids to practice, spending time with his wife, watching sports, and reading books about agriculture. 

As far as work, Brian is as good as it gets. When thinking about how to describe his work ethic, the word steady comes to mind. He is a steady worker who shows up ready to work, puts his head down, and gets the job done. Brian is eager to refine his skills and challenges himself to learn new things each day in order to put himself in the best position to succeed. More importantly, his positive attitude is contagious on the shop floor.

We are proud of Brian and are glad he is a part of our team!