Critical Matters: Manufacturing Fueling Local Community 

Critical Matters: Manufacturing Fueling Local Community 

We have very exciting news to share! The manufacturing industry helped propel Bedford County to #1 overall GDP growth in Pennsylvania. This is a major achievement not only for the manufacturing facilities, but also for the community members who call Bedford County home. Growing GDP in small communities is of paramount importance as it fosters a range of positive outcomes that uplift the overall quality of life for its residents. A robust GDP signifies increased economic activity, job opportunities, and enhanced infrastructure development—all of which contribute to higher living standards. As GDP expands, local businesses thrive, leading to a cycle of increased investment and innovation. This, in turn, results in greater income distribution and reduced unemployment, fostering a sense of economic security and empowerment among community members.

Why GDP Growth Matters for Small Communities

We are proud to call Bedford County home. When we make business decisions, our focus has typically been on what’s best for MCS, especially thinking of the 86 family members who contribute to our success. However, we have come to realize that our choices not only impact the people who work here, but they ripple outwards, touching the lives of more than 50,000 community members in Bedford County. It’s clear now: our reach extends well beyond the walls of our warehouse.

Celebrating the Strength of Local Manufacturing

There are so many successful manufacturing facilities located in our community. For us, they are not rivals nor are they competition. They are fellow community members who are dedicated to creating opportunity, just like us. In this case, we are all in this together. If they win, we win, and vice versa. MCS is proud to be one of the manufacturing facilities that continues to play a role in helping Bedford County thrive. In this community, we are all one. 

“We couldn’t be happier about this news. It is a testament to the hardworking manufacturing companies in Bedford,” said Vice President of Operations Darin Mauzy. “It’s a testament to the shop workers who make their living off building cool things to help support American infrastructure.” 

Mauzy also credits Bedford for supporting many factors that provide a good quality of life for its residents. 

“Not only is Bedford an excellent place for businesses to thrive, it’s also a wonderful place that has a rich history. Whether you are looking to start a business or raise a family, Bedford County is the place to consider. We are proud to support Bedford. But the crazy thing is, our better days are still ahead.”